If you can answer that question in a Nano second, you probably don’t need to keep reading. Otherwise, how about some fodder for potential chuckles?

First off, given the state of our present world—literally, war, famine, disease of historic proportions, political unrest, and a crippled economy—you and I may find it nearly impossible to smile on any given day, let alone break out into a full-blown guffaw.

And yet, most of us know that humor is healing, that laughter can stir up our endorphins and add a little bounce to our step or a spot of joy in an otherwise overcast moment.

So, once again, what makes you laugh?

No worries. I’ll be bold and go first . . .

. . . The bubbly little granddaughter who squeals with delight as she tosses her toys out of her secured play area so Grandpa or I have to go pick them up.

. . . The numerous squirrels of every size and color who dart after one another or dash up the trees in our backyard as if full out speed is the only way to get from point A to point B.

. . . The humor-filled memes my beloved sends me on a daily basis to start my morning or help get me over a tough spot in the day.

. . . The unexpected note, text, or phone call from someone who simply wants to share a thought, a photo, or an emoji of something relative to the joy in their life with the idea it may bless me as well.

. . .  The morning surprise on the kitchen table of “that certain little white box” with my favorite goodie from my favorite local bakery.

The really neat thing about the situations or circumstances that spark a laugh or make us smile is the joy we experience in the process. Given God has created you and me in His image and likeness, seems the Divine is more than pleased to bless us with these precious gifts.

God in all things, as Ignatius of Loyola says.

Is it hard for me to smile or laugh? Why?

Can I open myself to the possibility of finding God in smiles and laughter?

How do I feel about being the bearer of a smile or laugh for someone else today?