One recent morning I looked out our deck door toward the raised bed vegetable gardens only to laugh out loud. There, illuminated in the morning sun, waved a red dinner plate-sized hibiscus bloom. That wouldn’t have been so unusual—except, this one fluttered in the light breeze over the tops of the nearby six-foot plus tall staked tomato plants.

While large flowers and an adorable, cuddly kitten [not ours, by the way] may not seem to have much in common with people, I believe they have something to teach us about the ways of the Divine:  

Both the hibiscus and the furry creature are simply being who God created them to be.

Neither has to think about it. Neither has to deliberately plan their actions or behaviors. Each does what each was given life to be, and do.

We human beings can manifest our own kinds of attention getting behavior, yet the outcome may not be as pleasant or loving, for others or ourselves.

For example . . .

. . . Speak loud and long in a group, at the cost of making it difficult for the quieter folks to be heard.

. . . Speed on city streets or the interstate and put others or self at risk of limb and life.

. . . Wear an outfit more suited for a romantic dinner than the business office and in the process stir up inappropriate thoughts and feelings among one’s coworkers.

When it comes to being noticed or getting attention, it’s all about God’s generosity of heart and his desire to be in relationship with us. His attention is ever-present and grounded in Divine love.

Consider these . . .

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” [Jeremiah 1:5] In the womb? Before we were born? Now that’s attention to the tiniest of our cells.

“Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.” [Luke 12:7] Wow, not even my hairdresser is privy to that kind of attention to detail.

“Though the mountains fall away and the hills be shaken, My love shall never fall away from you nor my covenant of peace be shaken, says the LORD, who has mercy on you.” [Isaiah 54:10] Ponder that one for a moment—My love shall never fall away from you.

“The LORD, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior, Who will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love, Who will sing joyfully because of you.” [Zephaniah 3:17] The Lord is mighty, will rejoice, renew and sing joyfully, all because of you and me. Doesn’t get much better than that, now does it?

The blessing implicit in these words of attention is the love that is there for us to receive. Yes, we need to be aware of our sin nature, of the importance to be kind and compassionate, however, these exhortations are not accompanied by a long [even short] list of requirements or rigid orders. If God desires anything of us, it is that we be the person he has created us to be.

Like the hibiscus bloom we can stretch tall as we turn our face to the Son. Or, we can relax in our chair and purr with contentment as we savor the moment. All in the awareness we are fully noticed and attended to by a God who loves us beyond our wildest imagination.

What do I do to be noticed?

How do I feel about a God who loves me for being me?

What do I need to ask of God to help me be the person he created me to be?