Consideration #1—Silence in a noisy world.

How do you define silence? The absence of human chatter? Of mechanical or electronic sound? Of environmental commotion?

Regardless of what we think of as noise, if the cacophony of sounds outside our personal space can distract and disrupt us, the commotion within can be even more difficult to deal with. The bits and pieces of thoughts that weave and wander about in our heads or the feelings that wiggle, tickle, and stir about can make enough noise to unsettle the most monastic soul. Just try to get rid of those little prognosticators of perturbation.

Consideration #2—The blessings and benefits of silence.

On some level we are aware the noise has a lot to do with our dark side or shadow self, which can make it hard to focus on blessings. What if the silence exposes feelings of resentment or anger toward a family member or friend? Or of the struggle with being judgmental of others or self?

Yet if we summon the courage to enter the silence and trust the Divine to accompany us through the noise, we open our hearts to the blessings of hope, healing and joy. While our initial attempts may be clumsy and shrouded in uncertainty, it is important to not give up. Why? God’s miracles, large and small, are birthed amid our perseverance, faith, and trust.

Consideration #3—Silence, a gift like no other.

If we see being silent as little more than an opportunity to open a door to unwanted visitors, we will probably avoid it at all costs.

On the other hand, Jesus and generations of sages and spiritual guides have exhorted and encouraged us to not be afraid. In our willingness, no matter how reluctant, God meets us where we are.  

The gift of silence—the unsettledness, the discomfort—becomes the labor and delivery room of the Divine to bring us into the light, enveloped in his love, his truth. That is the power that heals.

What is it about being silent that gives me a sense of uneasiness?

What is it about being silent that gives me a sense of joy?

How might God want to reveal himself to me if I enter the silence with him?

[Updated June 2019]