Without a doubt the best good news, for Christians, is Jesus and Scripture. On the other hand, my sense is the Divine delights in the many ways we can be gifted throughout the unfolding of our ordinary moments.

Most of us really appreciate a dose of good news these days. So you can understand the pure joy my beloved and I felt when our daughter and son-in-law announced they were expecting our first grandchild in October. For the better part of the next month we walked around giggling and googly-eyed at the prospect of a new little person in our family.

While this was big news for sure, many folks have experienced an increase awareness of the smaller, yet no less meaningful delights. When faced with difficulties and challenges like those we’ve encountered these past months [and continue to deal with], it’s more important than ever that we make the choice to discover the many gifts the Divine sets before us.

For example:

  • A gorgeous sunrise / sunset
  • Much needed rain / much needed sunshine
  • A child’s laughter / an elderly person’s grin
  • An ice cream cone, cookie, or other sweet treat
  • A tasty, nutritious meal prepared with love by someone else

The gift of good news doesn’t need to come in big boxes or lavishly wrapped packages. Simplicity is more than enough to brighten our day, lift our spirits, stir up hope in our hearts.

It’s not easy to see the gifts God desires to give us when daily life is hard; when there’s more month than paycheck, more mouths to feed than staples in the pantry. It’s not easy to see the gifts God desires to give us when illness strikes a loved one or self; when the company shutters the doors; when the child struggles to pay attention and learn.

And yet, if we will have faith, even as tiny as the mustard seed, God will, in His perfect time, send us the perfect gift of good news He knows we need.

May we have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Is it hard for me to believe for good news when life is hard?

Can I name one gift of good news I’ve been given in the last day, week?

Do I need to look or listen closer to discover those gifts I might have overlooked?