Upon posting to my blog last week, I noticed something interesting. Some of you may have picked up on it as well.

My last two posts use the word challenge. Methinks something is going on here. Am I feeling challenged? If so, what does that mean? Bottom line—when a word or phrase makes repeated appearances in images or thoughts, I’ve learned God likely desires my attention in that particular area.

Challenge: to dispute especially as being unjust, invalid, or outmoded


Ouch. The remainder of the definition includes equally uncomfortable descriptors so I’ll stick with the “challenge” presented by the aforementioned statement. [Pun intended]

Challenges come in a myriad of shapes and sizes. What we all share, however, are the ways they can stir discomfort, slight or significant, in our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

  • Unjust. If we believe the challenge in front of us is one that has been unjustly handed [or thrown] on the path, we can become frustrated or fearful. For example, as I journeyed through a few years of one-after-the-other health concerns, I point blank asked God, don’t you think I’ve had enough? Of course, God being God, allowed me [like Job] to express my frustrations and fears. Was what I experienced unjust? No. Why not? Because the Divine knows beyond my human understanding how any challenge can be used to help me become a more loving person, of others and myself.
  • Invalid. While similar to unjust, there is a key difference. If I choose to call a challenge invalid I’m taking the position that God couldn’t possibly use the situation to “work all things to good.” [Romans 8:28]. For example, years ago I found myself in the middle of an awful relationship mess with several individuals. Not yet able to see my own culpability, I cried out to God with the unfairness of it all. Since I had done nothing sinful [or so I thought at the time] why should I embrace the challenge to forgive others or ask for their forgiveness? Therefore, I reasoned, the challenge was not valid. Thankfully, with God’s grace and mercy, I chose to do so later on.
  • Outmoded. To be outmoded is to be out of style. Say what? Well, that rational may apply to the clothes I’m wearing, however, it carries little weight in the Kingdom of God. Since when has the Divine’s work in us through the challenges we face gone out of style? While the present state of our culture may suggest we’ve gone that route when it comes to the integrity of our person hood and spirituality, the truly Christ-centered person will choose against the fads or style of the moment.  For example, to be an honest, humble public servant or philanthropist who shies away from publicity can appear to some to be a sign of weakness. In God’s economy, modesty and humility will never go out of style.

There’s no doubt some challenges are more challenging than others. At the same time, like so much we encounter as individuals in this life on Earth, we best stay away from the sin of comparison. The reality is what can be very difficult for you will be little more than a bump in the road for me, and vice versa. There are too many factors of life experience from birth to the present moment that influence our ability to deal with tough things.

So, am I feeling challenged? Truth of the matter? There isn’t a day that goes by that the answer wouldn’t be yes. The good news? As long as I remember that anything I encounter has passed through the heart of God first, I can rest in the assurance all will be well even when it doesn’t feel that way in the moment.

What challenge[s] do I face at the moment?

What thoughts and feelings are stirred as I ponder the challenge?

Can I turn to God to help me pass through the challenge for the good He desires to bright forth?