Divine Interruptions

Divine Interruptions

God works in mysterious ways. No kidding. Yet what a joy when we learn [a lifelong process] that events or experiences we considered to be an inconvenience, major or minor, turned out to be opportunities to be blessed, or to bless others.  For me, that philosophy of life is one of ongoing discovery to find “God in all things,” a precept of faith lived and emphasized by Ignatius of Loyola.

What follows are brief descriptions of some of the moments the Divine interrupted my life. No doubt, others will be added as the days unfold.

Would the traffic light ever turn green? A handful of tissues clutched in my hand, I stared ahead, determined to keep my eyes focused on anything but the vehicles on either side of me. Those drivers must think I’m crazy—why is that woman crying so hard?

Bits and pieces of thoughts and images flashed through my mind. For about six months I’d gone back and forth with God about whether or not to leave my job. For reasons I didn’t fully understand, the work and people I had so enjoyed over the years seemed to have changed. Was it me? Them? All of it?

I took another swipe at my nose and crumpled the tissues in a ball, only to hear the familiar firm voice I’ve come to recognize as the Spirit within.

“Will you start a women’s bible study? Will you write for me?”

I gasped. A horn blared. When did the light change?

Nervous and excited, I arrived home about twenty minutes later. First thing was to call my beloved. Before I could get out a complete sentence he confirmed my decision to give my notice.

I then called a good friend who listened as I briefly explained what had happened. Silent for a moment, she finally managed to speak. “You couldn’t have known . . . I was praying for you this morning and found myself meditating on Isiah 58:6 . . . and now you tell me this . . . praise God.”

Less than a year later the bible study was a reality and within eighteen months my play was published.