Being a Retreat Leader

Being a Retreat Leader

Most people tend to think of a retreat as an extended time away from home in a tranquil setting. Whether a week or weekend, there’s no doubt a change of scenery and a peaceful venue can do a lot to help us clear our heads and sort out our issues and concerns, or simply be refreshed to continue the journey. However, one doesn’t always have the time and / or financial resources, regardless of the benefits.

In order to help those who desire the essence of a retreat experience, many spiritual guides offer half-day or full day formats which can provide more than enough time for meaningful interaction with the Divine, as well as an opportunity to enjoy fellowship with other like-minded seekers.

I have developed experiential activities and teachings for a number of these kinds of retreats. Offered in a safe, non-judgmental setting, topics can vary, but each retreat is designed to help the individual come to a deeper understand of who God has created them to be, along with a clearer sense of their unique purpose or mission.

Being with a group of  people engaged in their own unique adventure of becoming more whole and holy is not only a wonderful way to encourage others and be encouraged, but also for God to work through us to bless others, and in return be blessed ourselves.