I’m old…aging, the relentless pursuer that prevails.
I’m sad…loss and grief come to all.
I’m happy…it is joy that sustains through night and light.
I’m quiet…pain, of body or soul, an ever-present companion.
I’m out-spoken…scars within, fuel for passion to birth mercy and justice.
I’m tall or short, large or small…behold the honeybee, the mighty oak.
I’m black or white, brown or yellow…color enriches, delights.
I’m fast…there is a journey to complete.
I’m slow…there is a journey to complete.
Please don’t ignore me because I’m not like you.
I am you. You are me.
It is in our choosing to live into the moment of the other
that we realize IGNORE for what it is:

Ignorance—lack of knowledge, education, or awareness.