First off, there’s nothing wrong with using the brain and intellect God has given each of us. To be able to think is a gift and blessing, the key to opening the door to a multitude of life possibilities that are meaningful and important.

However, our good and gracious Creator God doesn’t stop there. Most of us have been given five more blessings we often overlook at worse, take for granted at best.

Imagine if you could not see the face of your loved one, or the glow of the rising moon.

Imagine if you could not smell the fragrance of the deep red rose, the aroma of fresh-baked cookies.

Imagine if you could not hear a child’s laughter, the lilting notes of the bold, young chickadee.

Imagine if you could not taste a crisp, tart apple, or the sweetness of a plump, juicy grape…

Imagine if you could not touch the toes of a newborn child, the tear-stained cheek of a parent or friend.

I encourage you now, in this moment, to see, smell, hear, taste or touch. Some thing. Or someone. And then, take another moment to savor the blessings of the gift of five senses and whisper words of thanks to the Divine.

[Updated June 2019]