Floor to ceiling windows rose at least twenty feet above us. Moderately busy, a number of people moved with intention to one of several touchscreens for the required check-in to the hospital.

He nodded his head and spoke, his voice as soft and warm a welcome any could hope for. “How are you today?”

An official badge identified him as one of several volunteers. Most of our faces may have been covered by the protective masks we wore, yet I could see the smile in his eyes.

“All things considered, I’m okay.”

“Wonderful!” He tugged an antiseptic wipe from the dispenser and handed it to me.

As I cleaned the screen, he stepped back to assist another person. His cheerful, upbeat attitude and spry step was a joy to witness.

Registration complete and name tag in hand, I turned to make my way to my beloved so we could get to my appointment on time.

“Have a great day, young lady!” He pronounced.

“I will! And thank you.”

He nudged closer as if to reveal something important. “By the way, you know when folks ask me how I am I never say I’m good. What’s the fun in that?” He chuckled.

Now I was the one who giggled. “By the way, may I ask how old you are?”

“Sure—90 years young!”

 “Wow, God bless you!”

He chuckled again and waved as he approached another person.

Well, sir, methinks you’re more than a 90-year-old hospital volunteer. You, dear one, are an angel among us.