In Part One of “A Different Perspective” and COVID-19, I suggested Courage for the letter C.

This week we look at the letter O.


Overcome; to get the better of, to overcome difficulties; overcome the enemy.    [Merriam-Webster]

“To get the better of” is not necessarily a phrase [or action] most of us would choose as it can imply one person taking advantage of another. On the other hand, to get the better of COVID-19 seems like a great idea.

In that regard, what does it mean to overcome?

  • To overcome difficulties we need to identify the difficulty, and the more specific the better.

When we identify the difficulty, it’s important to determine if it really is a difficulty, or something more akin to an inconvenience. We need to ask ourselves, do I need this item? Or if X cereal is not available, what’s a good substitute? If I’m not used to long periods of inactivity or quiet, would this be the time to learn a new skill, take a walk, or clean out a closet?

With shelter in place orders in effect, the difficulties are numerous and complex for individuals as well as businesses. What is encouraging is to see the ways people are being creative to figure out how to overcome some of them. From runners who deliver groceries into car trunks, to auto dealers who pick up and drop off repaired vehicles at your door, we all realize business as usual is not the present reality.

  • To overcome the enemy takes on a sense of being in a battle, even a war.

Who is the enemy? The obvious answer is the virus itself, one that is highly contagious and potentially life-threatening.

And yet we must be vigilant and discern the presence of other enemies that seek to wreak havoc among us. Impatience, anger, selfishness, and fear can manifest in the blink of an eye or at the sound of a word if we’re not careful. If we choose to allow those feelings and emotions to take over, we shut out opportunities to be compassionate and considerate.

So, what do we need to be people who overcome?

  • To get the better of COVID-19 we need, more than ever, to be united in mind, body, and spirit. If we haven’t already done so, we need to set aside our personal agendas and make responsible choices that consider the well-being of one another.
  • To get through the difficulties, we need to specifically identify them, then pray for wisdom and guidance to formulate a response that will lead to actions taken with love.
  • Without a doubt we are in a battle, a war with an enemy that requires all of us to humble ourselves and sacrifice and serve in ways that bring out the best of what it means to be human, beings created in the image and likeness of God.

The present hour and the days ahead portend more difficulties and a determined enemy.

May each of us choose to be the best we can be at any given moment, and when we can’t because it’s hard and we’re weary, scared, or feeling overwhelmed, may we let it be okay to shed some tears, find an out-of-the-way corner to vent our frustrations, and then open our hearts to the love and care of the Divine.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.       [John 1:5]